As, we commit that we will not share the informationprovided by our stakeholders on our site with third parties without their permission, that wedo not host copy or unauthorized content on our site, and that the content on the site cannot be copied without permission. The articles and comments on our site reflect the personalopinions of the authors, have no legal meaning, and the site owner cannot be held responsiblefor these writings and comments. Every guest who enters our site is deemed to have acceptedthese rules.

As our company uses Google DoubleClick services and Meta advertising services, servicesare provided in accordance with the advertising policies of Google and Facebook.

According to the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, which is currently in force in ourcountry, the explicit consent of the relevant persons must first be obtained for the processingof their personal data. However, if the personal data processing conditions listed in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law exist, there is no need to obtain explicit consent.

In terms of our website, it is also necessary to inform our visitors, who are the relevantpersons.

We do not process the personal data of our visitors without first presenting our illuminationtext and obtaining their explicit consent (if necessary) before processing their personal data. Therefore, when you enter our site, we recommend that you first read our illumination text.

Please review our illumination text and learn under what circumstances and how we needyour explicit consent for the processing of your personal data. You should know that we can only start processing your personal data based on explicit consent once you have givenexplicit consent, not at the moment you enter our site.

Users can opt out of Google’s ad targeting services using “Google Ad Settings.”

Users can opt out of Facebook’s ad targeting services using “Facebook Ad Settings.”

Users can opt out of cookies in their internet browsers by adjusting their browser settings.

Users can opt out of many different companiescookies using consumer choice tools.

When you contact us through the COMMENT/CONTACT section located under the articles, the name, surname, and email information in the form you fill out will be explained in ourillumination text.

This privacy policy may be updated without any notification to you. Therefore, it is recommended that you review this privacy policy periodically.

This privacy policy was updated on 18.10.2023.